Katherine Landing

  • Lodging
  • Entertainment
  • RV Parks, Services and Sales
2690 E. Katherine Spur Rd.
Bullhead City, AZ 86429
(702) 997-0690
Open 7 days a week year 'round for water recreation and fun.
  • About

    Located on scenic Lake Mohave in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Katherine Landing offers boat and jet ski rentals, food service, lodging, retail store and long and short term boat slips.

  • Directions

    Just north of Bullhead City and right across the river from Laughlin, Katherine Landing is about 4 hours from central Southern California via I-15 and I-40 and less than two hours south of Las Vegas.


Printed courtesy of www.bullheadareachamber.com – Contact the Bullhead Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
1251 Highway 95, Bullhead City, AZ 86429 – (928) 754-4121 – info@bullheadchamber.com